HoloLens To Assess The Resectability Of Ovarian Cancer

March 5, 2019

Augmented reality may improve preoperative evaluation of disease burden.

Just as the introduction of robotic surgery has revolutionized minimally invasive surgery (MIS), the next iteration of surgical advancement may be augmented reality (AR). This technology augments the surgeon’s ability to view, understand and manipulate data about the patient in incredible ways. Led by Karl West, MS, members of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (Jeff Yanof, PhD, Sara Al-Nimer, MS, and Aydan Hanlon, BS) have developed a non-invasive, real-time, AR platform that enables 3-D anatomical computer models to be viewed through Microsoft’s HoloLens AR device, allowing the surgeon to virtually see inside their patients.

“When we started experimenting with the technology, we realized we could take patient-specific images from a CT or MRI data set, do a 3D reconstruction of the images, and project them onto the headset’s lenses,” West says. “HoloLens allows you to not only see the real environment around you but also augments it with additional information projected onto the lenses […read more]
